Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fall Festival

Yes, this is Nick sitting with a yellow Boa constrictor, it was in the reptile room at the Fall Festival and you could get your picture taken with it. And yes, I avoided this room like the plague...snakes...spiders....oh yuck!! Zach came home last week and said he needed to find a spider to take to class the next day. Tell your teacher we have the bug people come and spray so we don't have any spiders in our house, it makes your mom happy when we don't have creepy crawly things in the house!!
Every once in a while you have to through them a curve. Nick won this cake at the cake walk at the Fall Festival, so when we got home I put 6 forks on the table and told them they could cut pieces and put them on a plate or they could just eat the cake straight off the board it was on. Ben cut a piece ate about half of it and decided he had had enough. They all thought I had lost my mind, letting them eat as much cake as they wanted. How crazy!!
A group of kids went to a place in Meridian called Spyglass Gardens and made scarecrows to use as decorations at the Fall Festival. Above is one of them we had straw bales and corn stalks donated to the school for use at the Festival.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you enjoyed our news. We are due on March 6, 2006. Maybe the sizes will jive. I will be in Idaho over the December 13th weekend. Maybe you can stop by and see my new niece. :)