Sunday, November 23, 2008

It is the Sunday before Thanksgiving and I am really struggling with the Holidays approaching so quickly. So much to do, so little time. Today Jim and I cleaned the west wing again...the little not me people came again this week and of course I had my area of mess to clean up...while he was taking stuff to the shed, he brought in a couple of tubs of Rescue hero stuff that has been packed away for a couple of years..Stuff Nick has never seen, needless to say he has been playing nonstop with them since we brought them in..I think this is the first Sunday in a very long time that he hasn't whined and complained all day about nothing to do.

Friday was the Kindergarten Thanksgiving feast. The pilgrims and the Indians paraded around the school in their costumes and then sat down to a huge feast. Our little Indian thought the chicken legs were quite good!!Have a great Holiday!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Fall Y'All!!
It is raining, cold and gray today. I almost with that it would snow it feels like it should. Amelia was up with the same stomach stuff that I had earlier in the week. She is doing much better, I am amazed at how quickly kids bounce back from stuff. I am so thankful that overall my kids are very healthy!!
We went to the Bogus Basin Ski sale on Friday night. The older I get the less patience and tolerance I have for being in large crowds. Yes, you guessed it 15 minutes in line to get in, BIG Crowd...dull noise...trying on kids ski boats, looking for skis...25 minutes in line to cash out... Next year Jim goes it alone with the children. Although it was a small price to pay to have a full day alone when he takes the kids out skiing, do I dare hope every weekend.
Can you imagine being 7 and 10 and growing up in the white house??
The Pueblo Chieftain was looking for stories the other day on your favorite non-purchased christmas gift. I know that she bought part of it, but one year for christmas when I was a kid my grandmother gave me a recipe box with recipes in it that she had spent hours writing on 3x5 cards. I know longer have the box, or my grandmother, but I still have the recipe cards and when I pull out the box I have them in, it reminds me of her. So what is your favorite christmas gift??

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Misc. ramblings

How many marshmallows can you stuff in your mouth before you gag?? or I gag watching you?? We played this game with a group of kids at our house on Halloween afternoon, it was pretty funny I think the winner got 8. They all said it was easy until you start laughing then somehow it triggers your gag reflex and you have to get it out. My kitchen sink had a load of marshmallows in it. We also tied strings to the ceiling and attached donuts to the other end..chocolate frosted of course and then the kids had to eat them with their hands behind their backs...heeehee

Halloween itself was low key, trick or treating with friends, dinner and Halloween town movies. I feel asleep on the couch...times have changed....

We finally closed on the 23rd on our Colorado house. It was bittersweet...glad it is finally behind us, but at the same time sad because I really loved that house.

Spent yesterday in bed with some sort of disease which I was sure I was going to die from. I decided in the afternoon that a bath might make me feel better, so I ventured up to the kids bathroom and took a bath, which didn't make me feel any better!! the bath tub sucked and I was realizing that until we moved here I have been extremely spoiled with my 6ft jacuzzi tub. Now I am on a I hate our masterbath kick--

Time for a nap, I don't think I am completely over whatever disease invaded yesterday.