Monday, December 22, 2008

....I'm dreaming of a white christmas....okay so not anymore it is white here that is for sure. As long as I don't have to leave the house I love the snow and cold, but when I have to leave it becomes bothersome and annoying!!
We are preparing for our Christmas eve celebration so yesterday my mom came and rolled the pigs in a blanket (little smokies in crescent roll dough) I have made 3 batches of punch concentrate turning 1 of them into cupcake size ice cubes to fit in the cascading punch bowl. Everything is mostly wrapped. Last night the kids frosted sugar cookies and I am pretty sure they will be the only ones eating them...they look festive but...... We haven't watched nearly as many christmas movies this month as I would have liked, and Jim and I still haven't watched its a wonderful life but we will get it all done.
Eye doctors and orthodontists are the theme for this past couple of days. Getting it all in so we don't have to take the kids out of school. Jim's sister is in town for work so she will be coming for dinner tonight, I finally get that lasagna I have had in the freezer--no not the store bought one the real homeade one.
Merry Christmas!!

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